Aural learner definition
Aural learner definition

aural learner definition

Having light music without words in the background will help learners work better. Learners get easily distracted by noise and easily distracted by silence. Noise makes a difference when it comes to study time. Also, whenever it is possible, auditory learners will benefit from oral presentations and power points. Attending class is very important as well as taking notes and being involved in open discussion. The preferred strategies for an auditory learner should always include hearing and speaking. Therefore, the learner would feel more comfortable to know and repeat the material in his or her own way. Also, they learn through repetitiveness and might repeat something that has already been talked about or asked. Often an auditory learner will need to talk things out before thinking about the ideas or facts before speaking. An auditory learner will retain more information and learn best from group discussions, speaking and following directions instructed to them. The definition of auditory is pertaining to the sense of hearing (Jones, 2003, p. An aural learner learns mostly by hearing and repetition. Most people are drawn to a particular category and sometimes people fall into more than one.

aural learner definition aural learner definition

There are four different types of categories: visual, aural, read/write and kinesthetic. This involves the way information is being taught, heard and retained. According to the VARQ website, the VARQ questionnaire provides educators and learners the ability to find their learning styles and preferences. The aural (auditory) strategy is part of a four-category system included in the VARQ questionnaire.

Aural learner definition